Your friendly partner with valuable experience and instruction!

Consolidated Digital Sustainability Partner

Regulatory bodies and stakeholders are increasingly demanding that companies disclose their sustainability and ESG information, and require them to regularly make disclosures. To meet these requirements while also leaving more time to improve the quality of disclosures, companies are using digital tools and platforms to enhance their disclosure efficiency.

In response to market and corporate demands, CECEPEC has independently developed the ESG Partner Report Integrated Management Platform, a comprehensive, integrated platform designed specifically for companies to prepare and manage their sustainability and ESG reports. The platform includes regulatory standard analysis, customized report preparation, guidance, data collection, data aggregation, data analysis, and online training. As a good partner for corporate reporting, it helps companies to efficiently prepare and manage their reports.

Customized Report Online Compilation

With multiple compliant ESG report templates and a "fill-in-the-blank" report writing format, you can easily and independently complete a complete ESG report through clear and easy-to-understand instructions and explanations.

A professional consulting team regularly analyzes the similarities and differences of existing regulatory requirements and indicators and compiles them into an indicator library.

Report templates and indicators can be customized by you.

ESG Data Collection and Management

The platform includes an ESG data collection and calculation form, which supports multi-departmental online collaboration for data collection and real-time updating of the progress of filling in the form. Management personnel can remotely supervise and even set a deadline for filling in the form, which helps to improve data management efficiency.

Multi-departmental online collaboration for data collection.

Exportable form

Help you minimize management costs to the greatest extent.

Real-time Data Calculation, Summary and Analysis

After submitting the data, the platform can perform real-time calculations on air pollutants and greenhouse gas data, and ultimately summarize ESG data and display overall ESG performance.

System data anomaly alerts

Visual data analysis - KPI performance trends management

Historical ESG data storage and analysis

Export historical ESG data to excel

Online Materiality Assessment

Through the platform, online questionnaires can be generated and directly sent to stakeholders via links or QR codes. The results of the survey can be analyzed and displayed in real-time, and an importance analysis matrix will be generated upon completion.

Customizable stakeholder questionnaires

Platform assistance in collecting and analyzing questionnaire responses within a limited time frame