Green Electricity Trading and Carbon Trading

Green electricity trading and carbon trading are emission reduction measures that enterprises need to consider in the path of green energy transformation and carbon neutrality.

Carbon trading refers to the trading of carbon indicators, including CER\VCU\GS\CCER and other voluntary emission reduction.

Green electricity trading refers to green power PPA and green certificate trading.

Green electricity trading mainly includes green power PPA trading, electronic and certificate integration, green certificate trading and other types. With the marketization of domestic electricity trading, green electricity trading is more and more welcomed and concerned by enterprises. Since purchased electricity is the main source of GHG emissions in most companies' operations, it is critical for companies to achieve carbon neutrality. The direct purchase of green electricity is affected by many factors such as regional resources, inter-provincial scheduling, and power grid coordination, which requires enterprises to layout in advance and continue to track, and is the key work of enterprises' emission reduction tasks. Green certificate is the certificate of environmental rights and interests of green electricity, which can be traded separately regardless of international I-REC or domestic GEC, and is also one of the main means for enterprises to reduce the emission of purchased power. Different regulatory systems have different compliance requirements for green power PPA and green certificates.

Carbon trading refers to carbon quota trading and voluntary emission reduction carbon index trading. Carbon quota trading focuses on compliance by emission control enterprises. The trading of voluntary emission reduction carbon index is applicable to the identification of carbon neutrality of enterprises, partial offset of quota compliance, and emission reduction tasks in response to climate change. At present, the trading varieties of carbon indicators mainly include CER\VCU\GS\CCER and so on.

Relying on a deep understanding of international and domestic regulatory needs and domestic electricity market and carbon market, CECEPEC is committed to providing enterprises with a full range of green electricity procurement and carbon trading services, including:

  • Help enterprises to develop the best solution of green electricity, green certificate and carbon trading;
  • Help enterprises to purchase green electricity through the combination of electricity and certificate;
  • Help enterprises to purchase green electricity by PPA;
  • Help enterprises to purchase the best green certificate;
  • Help enterprises to purchase the best carbon quota and carbon index.