Establishing and improving sustainability-related data management system

Establishment and Improvement Services of Sustainability Data management System

Establishment of Corporate Sustainability Data Management Capabilities to Strengthen Performance Supervision

Under the framework of corporate sustainability management, the integrity and accuracy of data are the basis for assisting management at all levels to supervise sustainability issues. A sound sustainability data management system can assist companies to collect, analyze and monitor various sustainability work performances. After processing, it can be used for sustainability reports, internal work performance indicator assessments, meeting compliance requirements, improving ESG ratings, etc.

CECEPEC can assist companies in establishing sustainability data management capabilities systematically. The main work is divided into two parts:

  • Improvement of the data indicator system
  • Optimization of data collection and management

Improvement of the Data Indicator System

CECEPEC performs work in two parts: screening performance indicator standards and establishing the data indicator system. Based on the company’s requirement, we first screen out the sustainability report standards, participating ESG rating system, and climate disclosure framework which the company adopts, sort out the sustainability-related performance indicators under the relevant standards and frameworks, and match the industry and business characteristics. These will be integrated into the data indicator system.

Optimization of Data Collection and Management

Through a thorough understanding of corporate operation mode, CECEPEC provides the company with a customized data collection and management system, conducts data inspection and calculation, and establishes a normalized sustainability information management mechanism to integrate relevant data management into corporate operation. CECEPEC designs customized information collection forms and uses our software EnvAI to improve information collection. It also calculates and checks various data for companies according to professional knowledge to ensure the accuracy and integrity of data. With the company's sustainability governance system and management policy, sustainability data management is thoroughly integrated into the operation process.