Strategic-level Design

CECEPEC provide sustainable development strategies based on the logic of "Plan, Do, Check, Act". We help companies build governance capacity on sustainability issues from the decision-making level, assist companies to establish a top to bottom control mechanism and apply a systematic analytical approach to assist decision makers in formulating corporate sustainability strategies. Services related to top-level logic design include but are not limited to the following:

Management System Enhancement

Based on the corporate sustainability governance framework, CECEPEC provide professional advice on the establishment of sustainability management mechanisms. In view of the operational models of functional departments and business model, we could assist enterprises in formulating customized management policies and support the internal management of sustainability-related data and performance through information technology. Management system improvement services include but are not limited to the following:

Action Plan Implementation

Based on the corporate sustainability roadmap, CECEPEC help companies in implementing sustainability-related work plans, which are assigned to functional departments and business levels in the form of targets and indicators to facilitate the realization of top-level sustainability strategies. Services related to the implementation of the action plan include but are not limited to:

Information Disclosure and Dissemination

Information disclosure and communication are the final outcomes of the sustainability strategy. A company's sustainability roadmap, related processes and performance will be reported to stakeholders through public disclosure. From the capital market level, CECEPEC help clients in filling out information and upgrading recommendations on different major ESG rating platforms and planning phased upgrading strategies for companies. In terms of branding, CECEPEC help companies in communicating their sustainability messages and enhance their branding through collaboration with different communication platforms.